Saturday 7 April 2012

Perhaps many ladies out there are ardent lovers of luxury and expensive bags, clothes and shoes. But, just how far would you go in pursuit of your inner desires?

Some would say "they are just bags" while some would go as far as offering their body in exchange of bags. But just how far would one go? I think it is enough that we are born a "weaker" gender in the society, it is wholly unnecessary to bend down to men to affirm this point. To bend in the name of succumbing to your superficial desires for expensive bags, clothes or shoes is just beyond words.

Save some self-respect and self-worthiness out there comrades! Remember money can buy you everything else in this world but it can never buy you class. You can carry all the Chanel you want but you will never be Coco Chanel.

I too am an ardent lover of luxury and expensive bags, shoes, clothes and everything. But, I believe in working hard and saving hard for them. It is not because I do not have what it takes to go on the “short-cut route”. However, I relish the idea of looking at myself in the mirror every day to see just how much I have achieved in life, physially and spiritually.


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